Possesed sonicx cardridge

I loved the NEs it was a classical console and inevitably i had it,
it's been 2 months since i got it from the thrift store and i'm already obsessed I can't tell what it could do i was hyped for the peformance but something was wrong some textures in the game were glitched and there were 2 games Galaga (The game i bought) And Sonic?
How did that happen? i thought of why i had a free game and why something that sega created? i thought they were competitors and the console couldn't handle the speed, the game i had tried to play was galaga and a textbox appeared saying Play me please. I was shocked that the console could do that as more glitched textures were on the menu i clicked left on the D-pad and pressed Start
The game... turned off curios i was i turned it back on and i met a horrible texture Sonic's Nose was Streched far and his left arm was missing
Scared to touch the controller i pressed A and It said Please Kill me and i could,'t interact with my controller anymore so what was left was to turn off the power again but it brought me to a different game Another textbox said Don't kill him i wan't to watch that Hedgehog suffer
as i heard a spine chilling laugh after, a new game showed as the textbox disappear it showed me a newgame and i could control.. the deformed sonic he was extremly slow As blood came out of his Decapitated Arm and his head bent down due to the weight of his nose i tried to Spindash but all it did was make sonic shake his head right at the screen and a textbox said No i can't do that mechanic my nose is to Long
I chuckled a bit but realised yes that would hurt sonic in the process i proceeded walking at the greenhils Slowly the music cut to distorte tracks from sonic adventure 2 i was suprised that they could fit that in the console but whatever played that song creeped me out even more
As i kept on walking i saw a ring But it was on a rope as i proceeded to walk a bit more a chipmunk jumped onto the Ring noose and chocked
At it's Dying breath it said"PlEaSe gO BacK W e DoN'T wANT YoU to fEel oUr PaIn" as it died hanging on the Yellow golden Noose
I was scared regretting my choice to play this game but i couldn't turn off the console or pause the game I proceeded but sonic fell to the ground After that he started crawling "Please turn back we should've listened to the chimpmunk" as sonic said in a textbox i wanted to turn back but when i pressed the left side of The D-pad another textbox appeared saying "No i won't let you do that" And after it Disappeared my D-pad on the left side couldn't work As i kept on Proceeding it seemed like Sonic was deteriorating As parts of his skin fell of or was hanging exposing his pink skin with some blood on it I heard a Bloodcurling laugh As the screen turned off i went again to press the console on and what i saw was a speared Sonic corpse And it turned off i wanted to see the Hedgehog suffer No no i didn't why would i write that! Anyways i proceeded to turn it on but it showed me the same cutscene Sonic corpse Speared and it shut off again And i turned on the NeS Again again again and again for all eternity i like seeing that cutscene it make me feel satisfied